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IRLEN Self Test

Please fill out the form in its entirety.
Are you light sensitive?
Bothered by sunlight?
Bothered by glare?
Do you frequently wear sunglasses?
Bothered by bright or fluorescent lights?
Tired or drowsy under bright or fluorescent lights?
Become anxious under bright or fluorescent lights?
Get a headache/stomachache from bright or fluorescent lights?
Feel antsy or fidgety under bright or fluorescent lights?
Harder to listen under bright or fluorescent lights?
Performance deteriorates under bright or fluorescent lights?
Feel like there is not enough light when reading?
Feel like there is too much light when reading?
Read in dim light?
Shade the page with your hand or body?
Reading Difficulties
Do you skip words or lines?
Do you repeat or reread lines?
Do you read with breaks?
Do you lose your place?
Do you read in a "stop and go" rhythm?
Do you omit small words?
Do you have poor reading comprehension?
Does reading becomes harder the longer you read?
Do you use your finger or market to help keep your place?
Do you avoid reading?
Do you avoid reading for pleasure?
Do you reread for comprehension?
Do reverse letters and/or numbers?
While reading or using a computer, do you:
Rub eyes
Move closer to or further away
Open eyes wide
Incorporate breaks
Change position to reduce glare
Close or cover one eye
Move head
Read word by word
Unable to speed read
Do you feel strain, fatigue, tired, or have headaches when:
Doing paper and pencil tasks
Working on the computer
Watching TV, movies, or live stage productions
Copying material
Doing math assignments
Playing video games
Writing long assignments
Doing visually-intensive activities like needlepoint, sewing, cross stitching, crossword puzzles, woodworking, soldering, etc.
Working under bright or fluorescent lights
Looking at stripes, patterns, bright colors, and high contrast
Write up or down hill
Unequal or no spacing between letters or words
Unequal letter size
Unable to write on the line
Leave out words, letters, or punctuation marks
Problems concentrating with reading or writing
Easily distracted when reading or writing
Easily distracted when listening
Easily distracted when taking tests
Daydreams in class or at lectures
Problems staying on task
Problems starting tasks
Difficulty with scantron answer sheets
Lose place (book, chalkboard, whiteboard, overhead)
Leave out words (book, chalkboard, whiteboard, overhead)
Slow (book, chalkboard, whiteboard, overhead)
Incomplete (book, chalkboard, whiteboard, overhead)
Careless errors (book, chalkboard, whiteboard, overhead)
Blink or squint (book, chalkboard, whiteboard, overhead)
Difficulty refocusing
Difficulty copying things onto or off computer typewriter
Composition/Essay Writing
Problems with punctuation
Problems proofreading
Leave out letters or words
Write without rereading
Misalign digits in number columns
Difficulty seeing numbers in the correct column
Sloppy or careless errors
Use finger, graph paper, or other marker when working with columns of numbers
Difficulty seeing signs, symbols, numbers, decimal points
Reversals of numbers
Problems sight reading the notes
Prefer to memorize rather than read music
Prefer to play by ear
Use finger to track notes
Lose your place
Trouble reading the notes or notes and words together
Difficulty interpreting the music notations
Little progress in spite of regular practice
Depth Perception
Difficulty getting on and off escalators
Bump into table edges or door jams
Difficulty walking up and/or down stairs
Difficulty judging distances
Drop or knock things over
As a child, accident prone or have bruises on your shins
When walking next to someone, do you drift into the person
When walking, do you feel dizzy or light headed
Afraid of heights
Sports Performance
Problems tracking a flying ball like golf, baseball, or tennis
Trouble following the ball when watching sports on TV such as tennis, football or basketball
When watching sports on TV, can you follow the ball but not see anything else
Trouble catching or hitting a ball
Difficulty playing pool
Difficulty hitting the ball when playing baseball or tennis
Trouble learning how to ride a bike
Trouble jumping rope? Jump in at the wrong time or jump into the rope
On playground equipment such as rings or bars, was it hard to go from one to the other
Trouble playing games such as volley ball or four square
Difficulty parallel parking
Do you feel like you will hit the car in front when parking
When parking, do you hit the curb or leave too much space
Difficulty judging when to turn in front of oncoming traffic
Uncertain when making lane changes
Extra cautious when making lane changes
Are the passengers tense when you make lane changes
Do passengers tell you that you tailgate
Are you overly cautious, leaving extra room between you and the car ahead
Fatigue While in a Car
As a passenger, do you become drowsy
When driving, do you become drowsy
Bothered by glare on the chrome on cars
Bothered by glare off the rear window of the car in front of you
Stressful to drive in the rain/snow (glare)
Avoid driving at night
Bothered by headlights and street lights at night
Bothered by tail lights on cars
Bothered by red/green traffic lights
Have night blindness
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Shauna Owens | PT, DPT

Angelo Integrative Therapy